Speed and distance - knots and nautical miles

Speed and distance - knots and nautical miles

"Knots" and "nautical miles" are two commonly used units in navigation, indicating speed and distance respectively.

Nautical mile: It is a unit of length at sea, originally referring to the length of 1 minute of latitude on the earth's meridian. Because the earth is slightly ellipsoidal, the arc of 1 minute at different latitudes is slightly different. At the equator, 1 nautical mile is approximately equal to 1843 meters; at 45° latitude, it is approximately equal to 1852.2 meters, and at the poles, it is approximately equal to 1861.6 meters. 1852 meters is used internationally as the standard nautical mile length.

Knot: It is a unit of speed, 1 knot is equal to 1 nautical mile per hour, that is, 1.852 kilometers (km) per hour.

Conversion relationship: 1 knot is equal to 1 nautical mile per hour, that is, 1 knot = 1 nautical mile/hour = 1.852 kilometers/hour.

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