Cabin fire extinguishing - sprinkler system

Cabin fire extinguishing - sprinkler system

The cabin sprinkler system is an important fire-fighting facility used to protect the safety of the cabin

A. Working principle:

When the fire detector detects the temperature rise in the cabin, smoke or other signs of fire, it will immediately send a signal to the control device.

After receiving the signal, the control device starts the power device (pump group) to pump water from the water storage device and transport it to each nozzle through the pipe system.

After passing through the nozzle, the water forms a fine mist and sprays it to the fire area. When the water mist comes into contact with the flame, it will quickly absorb heat and reduce the temperature of the burning object; at the same time, the water mist will dilute the oxygen concentration in the air after vaporization, which plays a role in suffocating and extinguishing the fire.

B. Main functions:

Fire extinguishing: It can quickly extinguish the fire in the cabin at the early stage to prevent the fire from spreading. For flammable parts such as electrical equipment and fuel systems in the cabin, the sprinkler system can effectively reduce the losses caused by the fire.

Cooling: Even if there is no fire, when the temperature in the engine room is too high, the sprinkler system can also play a role in cooling down and protecting the equipment and personnel in the engine room.

Strive for rescue time: After a fire occurs, the sprinkler system can buy more rescue time for the crew, so that the crew can have enough time to take other fire-fighting measures or evacuate personnel.

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